Fábio Takahashi has been working as an education journalist at Folha de S. Paulo, one Brazil’s largest newspapers, since 2003. He has published more than 200 stories about Brazil’s public schools, covering subjects ranging from assessments, lack of teachers and new public policies.
Fábio won the “Prêmio Estácio de Jornalismo,” one of the most important Brazilian awards in the field of education for four consecutive years, from 2012 to 2015. Since 2012, he helped create Folha’s University Ranking, Brazil’s most comprehensive evaluation of college-level institutions.
Fábio is also one of the founders of the first association for education reporters in Brazil, the Education Reporter’s Association. Inspired by the Education Writers Association (EWA) in the U.S., the Brazilian institution is expected to launch in the 2016’s first semester.
In addition to his work as an education journalist, Takahashi is working to coordinate Folha de S. Paulo’s trainee program, that selects and trains 15 young journalists every year.
Fábio used his Spencer year to explore America’s Common Core standards and charter schools for low-income students, similar policies being implemented in Brazilian educational system.
Takahashi published his Spencer Project work in English in May, 2018, in Folha:
Samples of Fábio Takahashi’s stories:
High Standards Places Semi-arid Region of Ceará at the Level of Rich Nations
Illegal wages paid at the University of São Paulo, Brazil’s top higher education institution
São Paulo Faces Record Number of Teacher Departures