Ann Hulbert is literary editor at Atlantic Magazine.
Prior to her Spencer Fellowship year, she served as contributing editor at Slate, where she was literary editor. As Slate’s Sandbox columnist, she focused on child-rearing and education-related issues. She was also a contributing writer at The New York Times Magazine, regularly producing “The Way We Live Now” columns. She wrote a cover piece about child prodigies and another about Chinese educational reform.
Hulbert used her Spencer Fellowship year to learn about community colleges and the challenges of boosting graduation rates, focusing on the failures of remedial education and on current reform efforts. Her work was published in The Atlantic, in the January/February 2014 edition, called “How to Escape the Community College Trap.”
She began her career at The New Republic, where as a senior editor she assigned and edited reviews and essays in the “back of the book” and wrote regularly for both the literary and political sections of the magazine for sixteen years. Her work has also appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, The New York Times Book Review, Harper’s, The American Scholar, the TLS, as well as other newspapers and magazines.
Hulbert is the author of Raising America: Experts, Parents, and a Century of Advice About Children and before that, The Interior Castle: The Art and Life of Jean Stafford.
Published work:
Can China Re-Educate Its Education System? New York Times Magazine cover story
Can Genius Really Be Cultivated? New York Times Magazine cover story
Hear the Tiger Mother Roar, review of Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, Slate
What Every Child Needs, New York Times Magazine “Way We Live Now” column
What Troublemakers Can Teach Us
Boy Problems
The New College Try