Amy Stuart Wells is a Professor of Sociology and Education and the Director of the Center for Understanding Race and Education (CURE) at Teachers College, Columbia University. Her research and writing has focused broadly on issues of race and education and more specifically on educational policies such as school desegregation, school choice, charter schools, and tracking and how they shape and constrain opportunities for students of color. Wells is currently directing two projects funded by the Ford Foundation: One is a study of urban-suburban demographic change and the role that public schools and their boundaries play in those changes titled “Metro Migrations, Racial Segregation and School Boundaries.” From 1999-2006, Wells was the principal investigator of a five-year study of adults who attended racially mixed high schools funded by the Spencer, Joyce and Ford Foundations. She is co-author of a book from this study, Both Sides Now: The Story of Desegregation’s Graduates (2009, UC Press), with Jennifer Jellison Holme, Anita Tijerina Revilla, and Awo Korantemaa Atanda. Wells is the author and editor of numerous other books and articles, including co-editor with Janice Petrovich of Bringing Equity Back: Research for a New Era in Educational Policy Making (2005, Teachers College Press); editor of Where Charter School Policy Fails: The Problems of Accountability and Equity (2002, Teachers College Press); co-author with Robert L. Crain of Stepping over the Color Line: African American Students in White Suburban Schools (Yale University Press, 1997); ); and co-editor with A.H. Halsey, Hugh Lauder, and Phillip Brown of Education: Culture, Economy and Society (Oxford University Press, 1997).